Liane and Andrew's wedding
On Saturday (16th April) I photographed the wedding of Liane McRae, who I first photographed over 30 years ago (not giving away Liane's age) in her ballet outfit in the studio with her sister, Gemma. Her Dad, Alan McRae, is a good friend and client (Alken Construction) and I was delighted when Liane asked me to photograph her wedding. David and I took over 2000 photographs and the first gallery is now on-line, and the rest will follow later today. Click here to see the first gallery. There is a short slideshow below with a small selection of images before any editing. This was prepared on Saturday night to show the bridal party.
A few of the shots used in the slide-show are in the gallery below.
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This blog post will be updated again when the finished photographs are on-line.
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