Blog post

Dec 2009



Sarah and Dougie at Gilcomston South and Ardoe House on the 20th November

I have been neglecting the blog but intend to rectify this even although we are exceptionally busy at the moment. Although traditionally a quiet month, we have been fortunate to have eight weddings in November with three of them at Ardoe House (and a 60th birthday), which is a great setting for a wedding.

On Friday 20th we were lucky to have a cold crisp winter’s day. Gilcomston South is on Union Street at the corner of Summer Street and as it was a 1.00pm service, Union Street was very busy but generally people are very considerate and do not walk between the camera and the people being photographed.


After the service, Sarah got a lovely surprise when the Brownies she is involved with got an afternoon off school to greet the newly married couple with a song, confetti, and horseshoes.


We then got to Ardoe House where the low winter sun made the photography difficult but we got some nice shots with Ardoe House in the background by using a tree to shade Sarah and Dougie and using flash to balance the exposure on them with Ardoe bathed in the winter sun.


We then moved to the patio area where we could work with the sun behind and a lot of the groups were taken there before we had to move inside as the light dropped and it became very cold.


Inside we took several shots with Sarah’s Granny first as she had to go home early.


We then used the drawing room, the staircase, the hallway, and the fireplace to give a good range of shots to choose from. I finished up by taking photographs of the new Mr and Mrs Will getting piped in, and some shots during the speeches. Click here to view all the photographs.

A lot of wedding photographers do not like Winter weddings but I do as if I am outside, the winter light is often very different and interesting, and if inside venues such as Ardoe, with a beautiful fireplace, staircase, and hallways, I have plenty scope to get a good range of shots. Using the latest digital cameras makes working in low light very practical, and with my new D3s due to be delivered this week, the possibilities will be even greater (look out for a blog post on the new camera).

Of course, what is most important, and makes my job so satisfying, is working with nice people on happy occasions and Sarah and Dougie were a great couple to work with and from our first meeting when they came to see samples and details of the packages, I knew they would be easy to photograph and nice people to work with, and this certainly was the case.

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